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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Irrelevant Fear


Halloween is just around the corner and, although it’s a week early, I’ll be writing a bit about one of my fears today.

Specifically, I fear irrelevancy. Not achieving anything in life. Not mattering 20-30 years after I’m gone.  

This has been haunting me for the past few months.

“Do I matter?” It’s something that I’ve prayed a lot lately. Thankfully, my answer came in today’s church service. I’ll share that answer with you.

The guest speaker read from the book of Jeremiah.

The Children of Israel had already been captured and taken into captivity. Jeremiah was telling them to settle down and get used to their new lives; they wouldn’t be headed back home for a long while.

Meanwhile, false prophets were preaching a feel-good message about how things would be normal and that they would all be back home soon enough.

The speaker related this to her own life story. She expected to do huge things with her life. Society promised that she would be able to do anything she wanted once college was done.

Then, life happened. She now had the full time job of being a Mom in a small Californian city.

We may want to be big but, sometimes, God humbles us and gives us a smaller task in a more mundane corner of the world. It might not seem like much to us, but still it means the world to God when we accept His will for our lives.

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."

