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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Healthy Bits: Part 1/2


I’ve been trying to have a healthier lifestyle lately. When this is bought up, people sometimes ask what I’m doing to try to get healthy.

  • Research!
  • Learn how to read nutrition labels
  • The less ingredients the better
  • Carbonated drinks, refined breads, mayonnaise and lunch-meat are evil
  • Flour, sugar, and high fructose corn syrup are evil

Take vitaminwater, for example. Coca-Cola, the company that created the beverage, is being sued for deceiving customers into thinking that it’s actually healthy. Despite the heavy advertising campaign to the contrary, Coca-Cola's defense was that, to quote, "no consumer could reasonably bemisled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage." [Citation]

Sure, we lied to you, but it’s not our fault if you actually believed us.

The other big important part of health is exercising. More rules:
  • Research!
  • Don’t cancel out your workout by eating bad food right after
  • Vary your workout to keep it more interesting
  • You don’t need a lot of equipment
  • Appreciate the little things. Take the stares over the elevator; park at the far end of the parking lot
I’m the type of person who needs a directive to keep up the pace on certain things. Because of this, I developed my own workout plan to help me stay focused on my workout.

I'll upload my workout in my next post.
